Life is too short for boring stories

For You, who teach me to redefine my goals by questioning me! The sun has failed me, just like you – as it shines or doesn’t shine, regarding the sun. It’s been raining all day; the sky is cloudy and gray. And under these adverse circumstances I started my journey from Klagenfurt to Fürnitz, started …


For You, who kindle my longing by satisfying it! At some point I must have fallen asleep, probably from exhaustion. When I woke up the next morning, the sun was already high in the sky. I left Dechantskirchen behind me as quickly as possible. Maybe one day I would be able to smile at my …


There are nights when everything seems so clear, as clear as the moon and its reflection in the water. They smile at each other, and everything is said. There are no misunderstandings. And there are other nights when everything is confused, as confused as the moon and its reflection in the water when a cloud …


The night is promise. I sit on the jetty and look into this promise, with my eyes open to what is to come and what will become. Just as the moon rises, so does freedom, timeless, unrestricted and making the promise possible. Every night with the same rhythm, and yet every night is separate and …


Fenella now came every day to take Tinka for a walk. Edgar was very grateful for this, because he noticed that he was getting weaker and weaker physically. But not only that, but Fenella also helped him in the shop, becoming more and more a part of his life, even if it was only for …


The white curtains blow in the summer wind. The room is all white, and when I look out the window of the bungalow, the sunlit stone coast of Tuscany lies in front of it. The light breeze gently blows around me, playing with my hair. One day you came into my life as if it …


Recently I went into myself. I probably didn’t have anything better right now, or at least nothing else to do, or a better or at least different place to go. I’ve also wanted to do this for a long time, because everyone always says, take a look inside yourself. It’s a great experience. Well, you …


I saw you, last night, I saw you. The moon was already high. The clear, mild full moon. summer full moon. Sometimes it can crush you, in the summer. Not this night. Maybe it was the moon and something else. I got up, slipped my nightgown on the floor and quickly threw on something light …


I’ve never been more aware of it than now that you’re not here, you’re not there for a long time. Sure, everything was discussed. The job that takes you abroad is a great opportunity for you. No, more, it is “the” opportunity for you and because that is the case, I encouraged you, almost urged …


Buzz awoke to the first rays of sunshine tickling his nose. It flashed through him like lightning when he remembered how urgently Kukka had asked him to come home the day before. It must have been something really important she had to say to him because it was the first time she had asked him …


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