Life is too short for boring stories

Trusting in success is like daring to dream up utopias. A good one is a successful outcome. “What, you still write stories that have a positive ending or problems that can be solved? Don’t you know that it’s completely politically incorrect? Today we write dystopias that show people how terrible everything is going to be, so that they fear and nod, yes, that’s how it is, and finally renounce success.” We quote George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, but not Thomas More or Tommaso Campanella. The second is probably not too wrong, since all these classic utopias from Utopia to Nova Atlantis are based on the idea that society can be saved, and of course everything else too, by introducing a very specific structure. They are know-it-alls, paternalistic, pretentious, and ultimately compliant with hegemonic opinion. But why leave out the success entirely? Is it actually better to be told, in dystopian failures, that things are only going to get worse and worse?

Yes, we have Orwell’s surveillance state. And further? We have internalized the work-consume-relax scheme that Huxley propagates, including class society, but does that mean it’s bound to stay that way? Orwell’s hero is made system compatible. Huxley’s dies. One feasts on the dystopias, delights in doomsday scenarios, in order to lean back, comfortably and at home, and agree with the writers. With a preponderance that triggers nausea, it is announced that it can no longer be changed and that success should actually be erased from the vocabulary. I am accused of throwing sand in people’s eyes, alienating them from the reality that I don’t want to see myself and daring to do it despite everything, as if I dared to defy it, the defiance of the unteachable and ignorant because of the real circumstances and refuse myself by not erasing success from my vocabulary.

If the success still occurs, then if it has already happened, a finished success.
“It worked,” they say. Despite all the prophecies of doom and rejections, defied or staged by someone who knew nothing about all this, nothing about the impossibility and prohibition of a happy ending.
“It worked,” but who knows how it happened. Just with a lot of money or influence or other dishonest machinations, that’s the only way it can be. Besides, it’s just a snapshot. Tomorrow it will be different again. On April 25, 1974, activists put carnations in the barrels of the soldiers’ guns. Fascism was over in Portugal. A peaceful revolution. said one. A leftist revolution instigated by the military. One day the carnations in the gun barrels. The regime was dead. The next day it awoke again, converting “It is a success” to “It was a hint of success that is now gone.” History is full of examples of “It is a success ‘ which vanished into thin air.
“It worked” can also be an accident or nobody took it seriously. It doesn’t matter whether it happens or not, because it doesn’t change anything. Small successes that you can accept, if necessary. It doesn’t touch the big. It can be as long as the system is not in question and is led to success. Even the attempt is impermissible. It can not be what may not be.

Success can certainly also be alienated as a watchword, so that it gets along without the necessary trust in it.
“It will succeed,” is the tone, “if you give my party your votes, because they are the only ones who have the solution to the problem at hand.” What does it look like? Unimportant. It is important to show what you think will happen if you don’t believe in your success or your intentions. It’s called propaganda of the worst kind.
“Afghan rapes an Austrian”
“Chechen stabs Austrian”
Because it is titled that way in the relevant media. Optionally, you can enter here how many social benefits the so-called foreigners receive and do not work but commit crimes. However, one will never read:
“Austrian rapes Austrian woman”
“Austrian stabs Austrian”
Nationality suddenly doesn’t matter. Which leaves the impression that there will be no more rape, murder, manslaughter, evasion of state benefits if only Austrians live in Austria. This distracts from the real problems, the everyday racism, the prejudice, the impossibility to work while waiting for the asylum decision. It is not questioned, only responsibility shifted. Is this a solution? Condemnations that are in no way inferior to the medieval pillory.

“It will work out,” is also explained, if only everyone obediently submits and we let them do it up there without worrying about it.

Curious how to proceed? Then you will find the second part on this blog on September 14th.

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