Life is too short for boring stories

It is said that time is eternity.
It is said it’s the moment that lasts.
It is said that being there is what sustains us.
It is said that it is the place that is our home.
It is said that what it says is true.

But I know that time does not matter, not even as eternity, but rather forgetting that there is such a thing as yesterday, today and tomorrow, like the past, present and future, sinking into the ever-now, so much that not even the ever-now is thought to be, but only that being in it, as being, touching, nourishing, forming.

But I know that the moment does not last, no matter how much we empathize with it when it is over, no matter how much we look at it when it is not yet there, it is not the moment that remains, but that in what gave us shape, that which manifested itself in us, that which I take with me in a change, as being, touching, nourishing, forming.

But I know that it is not the being there that sustains us, but we each other, that we carry and hold and protect each other in the touching encounter, in the touching encounter, that you carry me when I develop and grow that you carry me when I reach for the clouds, that you carry me when I fly and catch me as being, touching, nourishing, shaping.

But I know that it is not the place that is at home to me, but rather the one that opens its heart and thoughts to me, that lets me be known and yet not run the risk of being hurt , and yet not have to be afraid of being exposed, at home, placeless, as while in you, as being, touching, nourishing, shaping.

But I know that what happens in togetherness, what we are to ourselves, is true, apart from everything said, what is known, what has been agreed upon, what is always the same, in the liberation of time and space, swinging, free of prejudice approaching and accepting, complementing and expanding in being, as being, touching, nourishing, forming.

And in order to understand all of this, to experience all of this, all I have to do is to be there, very close, to hear, to see, to live, to breathe and to be still. Silence, focused on what I am allowed to receive, on what is given to me, silence in me as being, touching, nourishing, shaping.

And then I know time is time lived.
And then I know it’s the formation that remains.
And then I know it is you that carries.
And then I know that home is in you.
And then I know that I only understand and only true what will become us.


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