Life is too short for boring stories

Sometimes when I try to orient myself, try to determine where I am, on my way through life. What has happened so far? What brought me here? Is it possible to determine all the coincidences, to understand all the twists? Can I explain why I took this path and not that? In some places it …


I went my way, like so many of us, after having spent several decades in this life, in a straight line, without any particular detours or obstacles. From time to time there was probably still one or the other stone that might have forced the leg to be lifted a little higher than usual, but …


“I am the way, the truth and the life”, John (14,6) says in his Gospel Jesus. The way we go, the truth we proclaim and the life we should respect. But most Christians, whether in the hierarchy up or down, do not care. But what do Christians have to do with Jesus? Aha, he went …


“On the way to the realization of the meaning of Christmas,” I picked up the thread that day again, “On the way. Through life. Of life. Departure and Staying, that’s what it’s always been, all our lives. We are born. It is a departure into a life we did not have before. It is not …


Targeting, efficiency and effectiveness are the categories that count in our world. All that is done must be done in the shortest possible time or with the least possible center-of-charge or with the highest possible output, or best with all together. These are great prerequisites. At least for those who think that people must be …


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