Life is too short for boring stories

Just a few days after the strike began, the city resembled a battlefield. On the one side stood the workers, who had nothing but their bare lives, for the preservation of which they ultimately fought. Opposite them were the forces of the executive, police, militia and National Guard. As peaceful as the protests of the …


This sentence, which then found its way into a poem by James Oppenheim as “Bread and Roses,” came from a speech by New York trade unionist Rose Schneidermann, which she delivered during a textile workers’ strike called the Lawrence Strike in the History, as an example of overcoming profound trenches, between races, genders and social …


The circumstances have changed. At least in Western Europe, since the days when women fought for their rights as human beings. The newly born declaration of human rights was one of the men’s rights. “Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme” has been called in French, the word “l’homme” means both man and human. Humans were …


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