Life is too short for boring stories

What to expect is nothing compared to what is always hidden in the darkness of the unexpected. You mean your path is bright and clear in front of you, straight and even, until suddenly a hand shoots out and the firmness of the surface on which you step softens. The hand that grabs you by …


Before the beginning of time it was that the togetherness that you and I got together without holding, had character and contour, but could be touched and changed with the touch, not indiscriminately and structurally. It was a snuggling and perceiving as a whole, feeling for boundaries without defining them absolutely, being tangible without being …


A wonderful spring sun day. I decide to lie down in the meadow with my book. The flowers bloom around me and receive a lot of visitors. There is buzzing and humming everywhere. People are not allowed to get together, but nature follows its rhythm, completely independently of the hairless bipeds. I put the book …


“To mistrust happiness is to distrust life,” Martinique said as she leaned back and let the vastness of the landscape sink in on her.“Happiness has nothing to do with life,” Christian countered, “Life takes its course, you have to do certain things, and others should leave you in that state. Everything else is going by …


Christian held Martinique’s hand gently but firmly. Involuntarily, she intertwines her fingers with his. One of his fingers followed one of her fingers so she would not lose him because she did not know the way. It was not necessary. She was sure she could trust him.“Do you see?”, He asked her, as she was …


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