Life is too short for boring stories

“I dream of a world,” began Martinique, “in which there is a ‘good life for all’. A world in which there is peaceful coexistence and no one worries about boundaries or differences.”
“That has a lot of naive, in the best sense of the word, in the worst, something imperialistic,” said Christian, “because when you speak of a ‘good life for all’, it is not automatically that you patronize others, since you go out from your definition of a good life. But that can mean something completely different for every human being. “
“Do not you think there are things that connect us all, which really want all human beings?”, Martinique replied decisively.
“What could that be? Tell me about your dream of a world in which a ‘good life’ is possible for all “, Christian requested, and she was only too happy to comply.

“I dream of a world in which we accept all beings, in their self-being, the people, the animals and the earth, as our livelihoods, accept and let be, each in his place and after his kind. There is not enough space if individuals claim too much and if we do not understand each other. Understanding is what keeps the place going because I can move closer to you when we treat each other with respect and esteem, because we can trust each other. Each in its individuality, because diversity is experienced as an enrichment.

I dream of a world in which we have learned again that body and mind, culture and nature, heaven and earth are in intimate communion with each other, so that we use the gifts of the earth mindfully, so that she has the chance to come back, in which we see our body as our source of power, speaking to us and telling us what we need so that we can listen to it and feel and think ourselves into others.

I dream of a world where children and old people are just as important as people of working age, where we take them into life, where it happens, so that we can learn from each other. The youthfulness and openness of youth as well as the experience and serenity of old age, as we experience them as enrichment.

I dream of a world where gardens are natural again, so that bees and bumblebees, spiders and beetles, butterflies and birds frolic eagerly, because they find enough to feed themselves, as we grow our vegetables and in between colorful flowers because we need the bread, but also the roses. And we see the flowering and the becoming, the budding and fruiting, the blossoming and the falling, again as a natural process, with joy and curiosity.

I dream of a world in which work is perceived as meaningful, because we have learned to use our own minds and to use our hands in the accompaniment of the children in the life and the lives of the elderly, the domestic and the elderly social efforts, are just as valuable as working outside the home because they serve life.

I dream of a world in which there is still suffering and pain, sickness and death, but everyone does everything that he causes neither suffering nor pain, illness or death, but for life and its development.

I dream of a world where the water in the rivers is clean, so that anyone can drink it, where the apples grow in the most varied variety on the trees, so that you can eat them directly from the tree where we eat our food share with our fellow creatures, and do not turn them into food in which the air is clean, so that our children can play outside without hesitation.

And I dream of a world where I can love you without having to own you. “

Silence returned after she had finished, still listening to the sound of the words as she felt taken by the hand. Maybe it was the first steps towards the realization of their dreams.


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2 Gedanken zu “Power-lessness (41): Good life for all

  1. Scott T sagt:

    I love this mission statement for life

    1. novels4utoo sagt:

      Thank you!

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